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Pamir at border of Afghanistan, China, and Tajikistan

Dr. Karim-Aly Kassam is International Professor of Environmental and Indigenous Studies in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. He is Associate Professor in the Department of Natural Resources and the American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program.

Photo credit: Jianchu Xu


Ph.D. (Natural Resource Policy and Management with concentrations in Socio-Anthropology and Community Sociology) Cornell University, USA

M.Sc. (Social Policy and Planning in Developing Countries) London School of Economics, UK

M.Phil. (Islamic Studies) University of Cambridge, UK

B.A. (Economics) University of Calgary, Canada

View Curriculum Vitae




From Left to Right: Michael Dunaway, Kayla Scheimreif,
Marilyn Brody, Talia Chorover, Chairman Archambault,
Tamar Law, Karim-Aly Kassam, and Abraham Francis.
Photo credit: Christopher Dunn

From Left to Right: David Lodge (Director ACSF),
Karim-Aly Kassam, Abraham Francis, Talia Chorover,
Tamar Law, and Kayla Scheimreif. Photo credit: Marilyn Brody

Report of the Canadian Embassy to the Governmnet of Canada on Dr. Kassam's Visit to Kabul

Global Cornell Features Collaborative Climate Change Research in Pamir Mountains "Ecological Calendars for the 21st Century"

Inside Science Covers Ecological Calendars Project: "Tapping Traditional Wisdom to Cope with Climate Change"

Seminar by Chairman of Standing Rock Sioux Nation, David Archambault II - Standing Rock: The Violation of Indigenous People(s) Rights

Message to Students - Short Interview with Chairman Archambault II by Dr. Kassam, February 17th, 2017

Kassam Research Group receives $1000 Award in poster competition from the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future (ACSF)

Glacier Hub: Ancient Ecological Calendars Find Way Forward in Pamir Mountains

National Geographic: Climate Change Is Making Calendars Run Amok

Visioning Food, Health, and Energy Sovereignty: Report on Workshop at the 14th Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology in Bumthang, Bhutan

Ice Fishing Camp in Ulukhaktok


Awards and Appointments

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