pugnose shiner

Pugnose Shiner (Notropis anogenus)

The pugnose shiner occurs in a narrow band from the St. Lawrence River in New York to North Dakota. In New York, it has been reported from Irondequoit Bay, Little Sodus Bay, and French Creek near Calyton, New York. In 1976 and 1983, it was collected in Eel Bay in the St. Lawrence River.

The pugnose shiner lives in dense aquatic vegetation in slow waters of larger streams.

The life history has not been studied. It spawns in June and July in Michigan.

The pugnose shiner has strict habitat requirements and is therefore a good indicator of environmental quality.

This fish is considered endangered in New York State. For more information about the legal status of this fish, please see the North American Native Fishes Association at http://www.nanfa.org


Distribution of the pugnose shiner in NY state.

A 197 KB image of the pugnose shiner is also available for download.

The above species description was taken out of "The Inland Fishes of New York State" by C. Lavett Smith, published by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 1985.

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